digital inkjet prints,
software, paper, printing ink
1999, Budapest
100 x 39 inxhes x 27.5 inches
The 100 drawing is a 100 piece series of 100 x 70 cm drawings, maybe print is better word. Citation from Gábor Andrási: ... these are not drawings
. Really, they are not, at least I did not make even a line. The material
of the drawings is not paper and ink, but pure software. They represent the software which produced them. Until this time they were exhibited in greatest number (30) in the Gallery of Club Óbuda
in the exhibition Untitled. The drawings was leaned against the wall between two glass plates. This way of installation was used, because I wanted prevent the illusion of graphic art. The geometric base of the drawings is the Penrose-tiling. This tiling tiles an infinite plain by two kind of rhombuses, and the order of the shapes never repeats itself. I find Penrose-tiling the most elegant deterministic chaos on the world. The drawings constructed from the rhombuses of the Penrose-tiling, but it is not seems well, because I changed the rhombuses with small drawings. The animated image in this page shows it, and also useful to see the software (Pen 2.0 - download from here). The lines of the small drawings touch on the same place the side of the rhombuses, so they are connected, and that's why hard to recognize the Penrose-tiling.
The drawings' plot was sponsored by the National Cultural Foundation.
The '100 drawings' is a 100 pages series. The number 100 has no importance, the number of pages cold be fifty, hundred-fifty or thousand. There is no order of pages, there is no internal rhythm. Single pages has no composition. Every square centimeters of the drawings' surface has the same 'weight' (or has not.) All of the pages is a mathematically infinite structure, or (necessarily) a part of it. Nor the single pages neither the whole series (if can be said 'whole' anyway) not a completed, closed thing. The hundred pages is not a representative selection. (Hundred pages could not be a competent selection, simply too much to represent anything.) The '100 drawings' is simple heaping. The role of the number 100 to be 'many'.
The Penrose-tiling based structures are not symbols of the infinitely variable world. They are not symbols at all, but they are itself infinite variable structures. A single page, or all of the 100 it is, but the 100 shows more, than a single. The Penrose-tiling's structure does not appear in the nature (not in the living world, not in crystallography, not in quantum physics). So this is about nature.
Many people consider mathematics as tool to transform nature. They think it is an abstract language describing nature. A question can be asked in this language and the answer is applicable directly in the nature, as nuclear reactor, or bridge. Mathematics is much more, than this. By Roger Penrose mathematics is not a system constructed only from human statements. He says numbers existing entities, they are discovered by mathematicians or not.