installation, contact folie
2014, Budapest
cca 215 square feet (20 m2)
The Oraculum is a Penrose wallpaper. A whole room is covered with it. The walls are covered with an aperiodic tiling constructed from two kind of rhombuses. There is a QR code in the middle of each shapes. They are all different. The visitors get sentences by deciphering them. (Google Googles is very handy.) The sentences hidden behind the QR codes sometimes are funny, sometimes provocative. Some of them - the chance is very small though - make the visitor change his life.
The text behind the QR codes created by a software. The software uses a restricted sentence construction with a restricted set of words. Practically it can generate endless sentences. The sentences are grammatically correct, so human mind can understand them. But the software does not care about meaning. The algorithm has no sense about meanings.