Art of Source Code,"Herr Frey Frei" article in the cataloque, Ludwig Museum, 2021
Digital Gold Rush – artworks coded into the blockchain-network, article, Műértő, 2021
Philosophy Storage Room – Attila Csörgő in the New Budapest Gallery, article, Műértő, 2019
Péter Türk: All is not visible, book, Ludwig Museum, 2018
An end of the design, lecture, "Design resistency" conference, Modem, Debrecen, 2018
Truhtellers, article, Műértő, 2014
More perfect orange, article, Műértő, 2007
Bricks from the tower of Babel, article, Műértő, 2006
New paintings of Gábor Roskó, article, Műértő, 2004
György Jovánovics : Ditirambikus retrospektív / L.W. J.Gy.-vel sakkozik, article, Műértő, 2004
Math in contemporary art, lecture, ISIS congress, Tihany, 2004
Gyula Várnai\'s exhibition in the ACB Gallery, article, Műértő, 2003
Exhibition Guide: Balázs Faa, article, Műértő, 2003
Before choice, article, Műértő, 2002
Study of the Effect of Reception of Works of Art through an Interactive CD-ROM, book, László Halász - Károly Hantos - Balázs Faa, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts - Publisher Balassi, 2002
Lettre face+image: Picture Without Text. An Interview with Ágnes Hincz, article, Lettre Internationale 46. issue, 2002
What is an idea in art?, lecture, "Brouillard, Précis" conference, Marseille, 2000
Art theory, text in a catalogue, 1999
Programming languages in the computer art, lecture, Aix en Provance, 1996.
Perfect Orange, Attila Csörgő\'s text in a catalogue - Goethe Institut, Budapest, 1995
Programming languages in the computer art, Electrinic image in the visual education, CD-ROM, study, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, 1996.
Selfpainting paintings, The new paintings of Enre Koronczi - New Art, 1993