Penrose-parquet I.

1994, Amsterdam

installation, fa

Penrose-parquet I.

installation, fa
1994, Amsterdam
cca 100 square foot (10 m2)

I did not look for analogies between an abstract point of view of the world and the Penrose-tiling. The Penrose-tiling is the image of the world. That's why I made Penrose-parquets. The first one is simply a Penrose-tiling from wood shapes. This parquet can show any part of the tiling. The shapes can be moved, so the spectators can change the pattern.

A good method to build a Penrose-tiling: considering the borders of the first elements as a contour-line and go spiral way to add new shapes. We needs such a method, because Penrose-tiling can be closed: there could be a gap where no shape fits anymore. Extending the pattern is always a question of decision. Sometimes the contour-line forces it, sometimes not. Sometimes hundred shapes fit well, but the next does not, because of a wrong decision was taken fifty shapes before. Then a part of the pattern must be destroyed. If the contour-line is short, this happens rarely, but after the 200th element a human mind can not handle the problem. (Practice can help, well, but the tiling is infinite.)

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